my adventure book…

i know this post is a little late, but better late than never, right? 😉 to catch everyone up, about two months ago, i decided to completely change the trajectory of my life [well, at least temporarily] by accepting a language assistant position in Spain. this, therefore, meant leaving everything and everyone in my hometown of Portland, Ore. [and other U.S. cities] behind, along with my fantastic job in PR.

while this sounded [and sounds] crazy to some, i couldn’t have been more certain about my path forward. i knew i had to take advantage of this rare opportunity. that i wanted [and needed] to explore the world outside of the U.S. again. that i needed to quench my thirst for adventure.

now, i’ve been in the town where i’m teaching English for three weeks, and i’ll be living here until June. it’s a lovely little town [pop: ~70,000] named Sanlúcar de Barrameda. so far, i really, really like it.

moving forward, i’ll be using this blog to document my European adventures [with photos, of course], and really anything else that i feel like writing about. i have a lot of free time here [i only work 12 hours per week], so i plan [but do not promise] to update fairly often.

thank you for following my adventure. i think we’re both in for a fantastic year. until next post, i’m leaving you with a clip from the film that inspired the new name of my blog, “Up.”